Happy and excited she runs into her room with her pen, a priceless gift that she received. She holds it against herself with love. As red as a red rose it stares into her eyes waiting for her to use it on paper and send some love letters to the person who gifted it to her. As she writes, the pen happily moves to her hand’s direction, its ink spreading into lovely words of passion and affection. As she finishes and goes to post the letter she just wrote, the pen smiles with content and pleasure.


Tears roll down her eyes as it rains outside. She takes her pen to write a eulogy for the friend she lost. As she writes, the pen feels the pain and grief that she is experiences. As the pen moves in her hand’s direction, its ink spreading like the tears rolling down her eyes, blotches are formed on the piece of paper. Tears drip down the pen as though the pen is crying in her grief. She finishes her eulogy, drops the sorrowful pen, and walks away, the pen still wet and doused in her tears.


She scribbles through the hustle bustle of the class. She doddles her thoughts on the paper with her pen as the teacher teaches. The pen moves as her hand directs it, spreading its ink in patterns of her thoughts and feelings- circles, squares, characters are all woven over one and other on the piece of paper. The bell rings, the pen is dropped down, packed into her bag, and it patiently waits for her to use it again next class!
