The effect of the various components of communication process on my academic, professional and civic life.

Communication is derived from the Latin term- “COMUNICARE” which means; to share, impart, participate, exchange, transmit or to make common. Communication means the exchange of ideas and information between two or more people or it can be defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning.Key Components of Communication | Organizational Behavior / Human Relations

Image: Key components of Communication.

Communication has eight essential components which are: Source/Sender/Encoder, Message, Channel, Receiver/Decoder, Feedback, Environment, Context, Noise /Interference.

The source imagines, creates, and sends the message. The source encodes the message by using the right words to convey the message efficiently.

“The message is the stimulus or meaning produced by the source for the receiver or audience” (McLean, 2005). The message is the ideas and thoughts that is conveyed by the sender through a medium or channel.

“The channel is the way in which a message or messages travel between source and receiver.” (McLean, 2005). The channel could be Verbal- face-to-face, using words etc. to express oneself or could be Non Verbal- body language, smiling, blushing, hand gestures etc.(majority of communication happen nonverbally.)

“The receiver receives the message from the source, analyzing and interpreting the message in ways both intended and unintended by the source” (McLean, 2005). The receiver decodes the messages of the sender into thoughts and interprets the same.

 Feedback is the response that the receiver gives intentionally or unintentionally after the message has being interpreted. The feedback could be verbal or non-verbal in nature and this represents how accurately the message has been received.

“The environment is the atmosphere, physical and psychological, where you send and receive messages” (McLean, 2005). The people, animals, surroundings, etc. affects the communication. E.g. having a calm and nurturing atmosphere for studying, a formal atmosphere for a professional interactions.

“The context of the communication interaction involves the setting, scene, and expectations of the individuals involved” (McLean, 2005). The body language and the words used will be in accordance with the context a person is in. E.g. in a classroom setting, the teachers and students would interact in a more formal manner, in a business setting one word be more professional in their expression, here the environmental cues affects the communication.

“Interference or noise is anything that blocks or changes the source’s intended meaning of the message” (McLean, 2005). Noise can be internal/external and it affects the encoding and decoding process and can lead to misunderstanding/ confusion.


Communication has been called the most practical of the academic, professional and civic disciplines. In my academic, professional and civic life the various components do play a very important role, social norms and relational history affecting it. Being able to efficiently communicate as a sender, encode the message sent by the receiver and giving an effective feedback is the key to successful communication. Having a nurturing and peaceful setting, without any interference or noise, being aware and objective in ones’ thoughts and being able to effectively decode and encode the messages leads to effective communication in the academic, professional and civic fields.

